
Meal Prep – Arnoldas

By: admin0

I am sure most of you have heard of the term ‘’Meal Prep’’ before – some of you may have even undertaken such prep work in the past or others may do so on a regular basis. The purpose of this post is to look a little bit deeper into what ‘’Meal Prep’’ really is and why people should be doing i...


Jane Erbacher Seminar Review

By: admin0

We had the pleasure of hosting Jane Erbacher for her Project Row and Project Ski seminars this past weekend. If you have been following our social media, you will have seen that it was a resounding success. In all honesty, I was aware of Jane’s work on social media but I never paid it too much atten...


Aim low

By: admin0

Yes, this is another carefully timed Monday motivational post and one that will likely get lost in the clutter of similar motivational nuggets to get your week started. The message of this post is so easy that there is a strong possibility of it getting disregarded altogether in favour of a more gla...


Jane Erbacher Seminar July 2018

By: admin0

We are excited to announce that we are hosting Jane Erbacher for her renowned Project Row & Project Ski Seminars on the 21st and 22nd of July. This will be a great opportunity to learn how to use two of the most common pieces of cardio equipment used in Crossfit and S&C gyms throughout the c...


Renaissance Periodization Seminar Review

By: admin0

This weekend just gone we had the privilege of hosting DR. Mike Israetel, Dr. James Hoffman and Dr. Melissa Davis from Renaissance Periodization for a seminar on Sports Nutrition and Recovery. The seminar was over two days and the level of information was second to none. I have attended numerous sem...


How hard should you go?

By: admin0

I was asked this question the other day in class and it made me think. Of course the brief answer is always ‘it depends’ but I thought about the question in the context of who was asking it and tried to get a little more specific. There are numerous factors to take into account when providing an ans...


Setting goals for the New Year

By: admin0

I like to take this time – most years at least, to write up some goals for the forthcoming 12 months. I used to be a serial list-maker, every Sunday night would involve re-evaluating my life and it became addictive. I actually remember doing this as far back as when I was in school. I like to overan...


Ramblings and observations from the past 24 months…

By: admin0

I wrote an article back at the end of 2015 on what the year taught me – or to be more precise, what the year forcefully made me learn by way of kicking my ass relentlessly. It got a lot of positive feedback as it was very much written from the heart and I think it resonated with a lot of people. I l...


New Years Fitness Myth-Busting

By: admin0

I am midway through my second decade working in this industry and I have seen many trends come and go and approaches to fitness change in that time. Maybe I am more tuned into all things fitness these days but I am definitely seeing an increase in people being aware of being fit and the benefits of...


Why we don’t offer Drop-in classes

By: admin0

In the past couple of months we have had a surge in interest in the gym, which is great! One of the questions that has been popping up with a little more frequency is that of drop-in classes and asking if we provide them. The short answer is a resounding no. I will attempt to explain as briefly as p...