
Barbell Strategy

By: admin0

This post is not actually a rant on how to load or unload a barbell the correct way – although at times I think there should be one as a reference, but it is influenced by (completely taken from) the works of Nassim Nicholas Taleb and from his book Antifragile, which I read during lockdown whe...


You are coming here to learn…

By: admin0

That sounds like an order or a threat, drumming up negative memories of school for some. Personally I find the prospect of learning exciting – it is growth and discovery. Let me delve into this a little more… I’ve been listening to a lot of the Non-Prophet podcast lately. For years I hav...


1 year into a pandemic

By: admin0

I wish I was writing this with greater hindsight and more distance between myself and current events but I will proceed to tentatively document some observations – as always, I will remain open to changing my view entirely. And I don’t want to jinx things either.  Like most of the western worl...


A letter from a frustrated business owner…

By: admin0

Yesterday I woke up to hear the Taoiseach on the radio threaten 6 month lockdowns but telling us it will be ok because the government have budgeted for it. Today I woke up to an article on the RTE website, citing this government help as being one of the main reasons business have not folded in the l...



By: admin0

We are on the advent of another re-opening. I would love to be more excited about it but I am lingering somewhere between relief and exhaustion right now. I finished the last zoom class (hopefully!) of this lockdown and no sooner was I finished in one task, I automatically went straight into my work...


Lockdown 2.0

By: admin0

So here we are again.  I have been watching the frustration amongst gym (and pretty much all small business owners) rise over the past few weeks and I have felt a growing sense of guilt that I have not felt more angered personally or roused to make a statement or do anything at all about it...


Home Conditioning Workout

By: admin0

Here is a home workout to get stuck into… The plan here is to perform an exercise for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds and move onto the next. There are 3 exercises per block and each block should be performed 4 times. This will translate to 12 minutes per block. As this is intended to be aerobic i...


Making the most of home workouts

By: admin0

Currently we find ourselves in a strange time (unless you are lucky to be reading this in the future where Covid-19 is a distant memory!). We have all been forced to change our daily routine drastically and for all of us without a home gym, that means seriously imposed limitations on our training. T...


Workout Wed 26th

By: admin0

Workout  A. Press 3 x 5; 3min rest B1. Renegade Row 3 x 10/10; 1min rest B2. 1arm DB Bench (w. Glute Bridge) 3 x 12/12; 1min rest C. Shoulder Shocker v2 a. Iso-dynamic lateral raise x 7 (each arm) b. Dumbell Cuban press x 7 c. Eccentric mechanical advantage lateral raise x 7 D1. Cheat Hammer Curls (...


Wed 19th Feb

By: admin0

Workout A. Press 3 x 5; 3min rest B1. DB Row 3 x 12/12; 1min rest B2. Ring Pushups 3 x max (-1); 1min rest C. Shoulder Shocker 1) Plate Front Raise 3 x 10 2) DB Lat Raise 3 x 10 3) Seated ‘Power Clean’ & Press 3 x 10 D1. Cheat Hammer Curls (5 sec negative) 3 x 6; 1min rest D2. Band P...