Jane Erbacher Seminar July 2018
We are excited to announce that we are hosting Jane Erbacher for her renowned Project Row & Project Ski Seminars on the 21st and 22nd of July. This will be a great opportunity to learn how to use two of the most common pieces of cardio equipment used in Crossfit and S&C gyms throughout the country, from one of the leading authorities in the industry.
The Seminar will take place over two days (Saturday and Sunday), here is a breakdown of each day…
Day 1/FOUNDATION Project Ski & Project Row:
- Project Row & Project Ski (Foundation/Day 1) EACH go for 3 hours. Project Ski will run from 9am – 12noon. Project Row will run from 1-4pm.
- In the Foundation sessions everyone will be taught the MECHANICS of the ergs: ie how the skierg and rower are designed to work best. Then the BIO-MECHANICS required to use the machines in the most efficient, powerful and injury proofing way. All information is to both avoid injury and improve performance, all while improving experience.
- The Foundation Projects are particularly aimed at your everyday gym member, as well as coaches and athletes.
Day 2/PERFORMANCE Project:
- On day 2 we build on from Foundation, so attendance at day 1 prior to day 2 is compulsory.
- Day 2 is aimed more at people who want more of the knowledge/ins and outs of rowing, skiing, performance and programming.
- Day 2 topics covered are the “What, How & Why” of SkiErging and Rowing.
- 2 workouts will be performed (including a test…not necessarily a 2k.. usually a 500m to be honest!) that are all about understanding pacing, intensity, coaching, cuing and an adaptation of the proper form.
- Day 2 also runs in the same format (9-4pm).
This weekend will be open to all levels – coaches and trainees alike, basically anyone that wants to improve their skills and maximise their returns on the erg and skierg!
Numbers will be limited for this seminar in order to ensure quality and the cost for the weekend is €175. If you would like to book a spot or would like more information, please contact [email protected]