Workouts – Wed 4th
Strength Class
A. Squat 4,4,4,4
B. Speed Deadlifts 10 x 2 (@ start of every minute) – 60% of max deadlift
C. Walking Lunge 4 x 8/8 (1min rest)
D1. Barbell Curls 3 x 12 (no rest)
D2. Tricep Extensions 3 x 12-15 (1min rest)
S&C Class
A. Squat: 8 (@70%), 5 (80%), 3 (85%), 3 (90+), 8 (80%).
B. 5 rounds of 45 secs on , 15 secs off:
Renegade Row, Double Clean, Double Push Press.
C. Chest Supported Row: 3 x 15
Fundamentals Class
A. Squat (Back or Goblet): 5,5,5,5,5
B. 5 mins amrap of
Renegade Row x 8/8, DB Snatch x 5/5
C. BB Russian Twist 2 x 8