Workouts – Thu 25th

By Dave 0

S&C Class


A1. RDL@4011 4 x 4-6; 30sec rest
A2. Ring Push Ups 4 x max (-2); 3mins rest

then 3 rounds of;
15 KB Swings (heavy)
10 DB Hang Squat Cleans
400m run


* I will be away till Tuesday as I am over in Cardiff helping Paul with his weigh in for Saturdays fight on Cage Warriors 49 – Remember there will be only 1 class on Saturday at 12noon

Fundamentals Class


A1. RDL@4011 4 x 4-6; 30sec rest
A2. Push Ups 4 x max; 3mins rest

then 3 rounds of;
15 KB Swings (heavy)
10 DB Hang Squat Cleans
400m run

author: Dave