Workouts – Mon 2nd
Strength Class
A. Squat 3 x 5 (3mins rest) – add 2.5kg to last weeks weight
B1. 1arm Press 3 x 8/8 (1min rest)
B2. Barbell row 3 x 6-8 (2mins rest)
C. Barbell Curl 2 x 12-5 (2misn rest)
D. Core work (Knees to elbows / L-sits / Ab rollouts) 5 mins
S&C Class
A. Bulgarian Split Squats 3 x 8/8 @30×1 (2mins rest)
then 5 rounds of;
Thrusters x 10
Chins x 5
3 mins rest
Side Plank 2mins each side
Fundamentals Class
A. Bulgarian Split Squats 3 x 8/8 @30×1 (2mins rest)
then 3 rounds of;
400m Run
KB Swings x 20
Push Ups x 10
Side Plank 1min each side