Workouts – Mon 23rd
Strength Class
5 rounds of;
Deadlift x 5
1min rest
Shoulder Press x 5
1min rest
Weighted Chins x 5
1min rest
S&C Class
A1. Shoulder Press 3 x 5 (1min rest)
A2. Pendlay Rows 3 x 5 (2mins rest)
then 3 rounds of;
for 3minutes do ->
400m run x 1 and KB Swings for remainder of time
3mins rest
Fundamentals Class
A1. Shoulder Press 3 x 5 (1min rest)
A2. Pendlay Rows 3 x 5 (2mins rest)
then 3 mins work / 1min rest of;
5 Ring Rows, 10 Swings
5 Push Ups, 5/5 Stepping Lunges