Workout – Mon 8th
S&C Class 1
A. Front Squat 3 x 3; 3mins rest (look to increase weight on last week)
B1. Single Arm DB Press 3 x 10/10; 30sec rest
B2. Band Face Pulls 3 x 12; 1min rest
Burpees x 1 min; 1min rest
KB Swing x 1min; 1min rest
Burpees x 1min
Restoration: Bar Hang / Knees to Elbows (sub max)
S&C Class 2
A. Front Squat 3 x 5; 3mins rest (look to increase weight on last week)
B1. Single Arm DB Press 3 x 10/10; 30sec rest
B2. Band Face Pulls 3 x 12; 1min rest
Burpees x 45sec; 30sec rest
KB Swing x 45sec; 30sec rest
Burpees x 45sec
Restoration: Bar Hang / Knees to Elbows (sub max)