Workout – Mon 5th
Strength Class
A. Deadlift – find 1rm
B. Press 4 x; 3mins rest
C. Chins 3 x 5; 1min rest
D. DB Ext. Rotation 2 x 10/10; 1min rest
S&C Class
A. Front Squat – find 1rm -or- Split Squat 3 x 8/8; 1min rest
8mins AMRAP
*Push up
5 Burpees
10 KB Swings
*@ the start of every round add 1push up
then DB Ext. Rotation 2 x 10/10; 1min rest
Fundamentals Class
A. Split Squat 3 x 8/8; 1min rest
8mins AMRAP
5 Burpees
5 DB Hang Squat Clean
10 KB Swings
then DB Ext. Rotation 2 x 10/10; 1min rest