Workouts Fri 26th & Sat 27th
Workout Friday
A. Front Squat 3 x 5 ( RPE around 7, leave the big work for B)
B. Deadlift – build to heavy 3 reps
C1. DB Floor Press w Glute Bridge 4 x 12
C2. Renegade Row 4 x 12
C3. Barbell Curls 4 x 12
Workout Saturday
A1. Press 4 x 8; 2min rest
A2. Weighted Deadbug 4 x 30sec; 90sec rest
B1. Ring Row 4 x 10-12; 1min rest
B2. KB Swing 4 x 15-20; 2min rest
C. Row / Ski 3 x 750m; 3min rest
D. DB External Rotation 2 x 10/10; 1min rest