Mon 7th Oct
A. Squat x 5,3,5,3,5; 2-3min rest
* 5 reps @ 65%, 3 reps at 75-80% (inspiration from Squatober)
B1. DB RDL 3 x 12; 1min rest
B2. Dips / Pushups 3 x 12; 1min rest
B3. Band Lat Pulldown 3 x 15; 1min rest
C. Side Plank x 90sec each side (lvl 1 test)
D. Weighted Deadbug 3 x 45sec; 45sec rest
We have a specific Squatober session on each day but the main classes will be involuntary partaking in some Squatober goodness this month – we are adding extra squatting throughout the week and following some of the percentages and rep ranges from the Official Squatober workouts!