Hotel Gym Workout – New York
Here is a short video of a hotel workout that Steph and myself put together when I was Stateside for my internship with Zach Even Esh (more to follow on that). As with most hotel gyms, we were slightly limited by space – surrounded by leg isolation machines, lack of free weights and no barbells.
I always like to have a look at the hotel gym if I am staying somewhere and if possible, I love to get a workout in these places too. Its always a change of pace, makes me get creative in planning the workout due to restrictions and it also reminds me how fortunate we are to have a gym back home that has all the toys needed to put together nearly any workout imaginable.
With the workout here, I tried to include some sort of power movement (always at the start of a workout when the CNS is fresh and primed through a good warmup), look at something lower body, upper body pushing and pulling and some accessory work core and arms to finish (need to look as good as possible for the holiday snaps!).
It may look very similar to a ‘bodybuilding’ style workout and if you had told me years ago I would be doing something like this as opposed to 500 burpees for time, I would have looked at you in disgust – although we did plan a race up the stairwell from the ground floor to our room on the 32nd floor but due to a logistical error it didn’t happen and we got locked out (thankfully)!
In my slightly older age I have started to reintroduce a lot more isolation work (also prompted by the last OPT cert I attended). My workouts still revolve around strength training through the barbell lifts but with more bodybuilding type work, and my body feels a lot better for it. I have seen Mike Roberstson, Dan John, Zach Even Esh and others talk more about this too and there is definitely something behind it for guys (and girls) that are coming out of their 20s but thats a whole other blog post!!
Anyway, check out the video below and excuse my editing skills!