Workouts – Thu 15th

By Dave 0

Quick Reminder that there is no class tomorow at 11, Conor will be taking the 6 o’clcok class Friday 16th and Saturday 17th at 12

S&C Class


A. Split Jerk or Push Press -> 15mins practice

B1. Chins (or Scap Pullups) 3 x max; 45sec rest
B2. KB Snatch 3 x 10/10; 45sec rest
B3. Ab Mat Situp 3 x 12-15; 45sec rest
B4. Snatch Grip Push Press 3 x 5; 2mins rest


Conor struttin'


Fundamentals Class


A. Deadlift 5,5,5; 3mins rest

then 4 rounds of:

KB Swing x 20
Push Press x 10

Work:Rest -> 1:1


author: Dave