Workout – Tue 15th

By Dave 1

S&C Class


A. Mid Hang Clean Pull 2-2-2-2

B. Hang Power Clean -> 10mins to work up to heavy single

C. Hang Power Clean (80% of B) -> for ten mins at the start of every min do 2 reps

then 3 rounds of:

DB Snatch 5/5
DB Swing 5/5
Burpees 10


Saturday = Beach Muscle Training!


Fundamentals Class


A. Deadlift 5,5,5

B1. Push Up 5-10(no rest)
B2. DB Rows 12/12 (1 min rest)

then 5 mins of:
@ the start of every minute:
DB Hang Squat Clean 5
DB Squat 5
DB Push Press 5

author: Dave