Workout – Tue 12th

By Dave 1

S&C Class 1


A. Press -> build up to heavy 5 then 2 more sets at 90%

B. KB Snatch tempo work;
1st set 1 rep every 4 sec, pause at top (15reps per min)
2nd set 1 rep every 5 sec, pause at top (12reps per min)
3rd set 1 rep every 6 sec, pause at top (10reps per min)

C. KB Swing Capacity Test -> 4mins



S&C Class 2


A. Press -> build up to heavy 5 then 2 more sets at 90%

B. Row 500m x 3 @80%; 3mins rest

C. DB Ext Rotation @3011, 3 x 10/10; 1min rest

author: Dave