This shortcut allows you to create news boxes, news lists and metro styled ... you know, news of course. You can build whatever you like, ex. present new list on styled background width one color sheme. Remember start form adding post before you add a shortcode - just joking, right ?
Home Conditioning Workout
Here is a home workout to get stuck into… The plan here is to perform an exercise for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds and move onto the next. There are 3 exercises per block and each block should be performed 4 times. This will translate to 12 minutes per block. As this is intended to be aerobic i...0Comments23.04.2020Making the most of home workouts
Currently we find ourselves in a strange time (unless you are lucky to be reading this in the future where Covid-19 is a distant memory!). We have all been forced to change our daily routine drastically and for all of us without a home gym, that means seriously imposed limitations on our training. T...0Comments05.04.2020Workout Wed 26th
Workout A. Press 3 x 5; 3min rest B1. Renegade Row 3 x 10/10; 1min rest B2. 1arm DB Bench (w. Glute Bridge) 3 x 12/12; 1min rest C. Shoulder Shocker v2 a. Iso-dynamic lateral raise x 7 (each arm) b. Dumbell Cuban press x 7 c. Eccentric mechanical advantage lateral raise x 7 D1. Cheat Hammer Curls (...0Comments26.02.2020
Barbell Strategy
This post is not actually a rant on how to load or unload a barbell the correct way – although at times I think there should be one as a reference, but it is influenced by (completely taken from) the works of Nassim Nicholas Taleb and from his book Antifragile, which I read during lockdown whe...0Comments29.11.2022You are coming here to learn…
That sounds like an order or a threat, drumming up negative memories of school for some. Personally I find the prospect of learning exciting – it is growth and discovery. Let me delve into this a little more… I’ve been listening to a lot of the Non-Prophet podcast lately. For years I hav...0Comments23.11.20221 year into a pandemic
I wish I was writing this with greater hindsight and more distance between myself and current events but I will proceed to tentatively document some observations – as always, I will remain open to changing my view entirely. And I don’t want to jinx things either. Like most of the western worl...0Comments14.03.2021
Barbell Strategy
This post is not actually a rant on how to load or unload a barbell the correct way – although at times I think there should be one as a reference, but it is influenced by (completely taken from) the works of Nassi...
You are coming here to learn…
That sounds like an order or a threat, drumming up negative memories of school for some. Personally I find the prospect of learning exciting – it is growth and discovery. Let me delve into this a little more…...
1 year into a pandemic
I wish I was writing this with greater hindsight and more distance between myself and current events but I will proceed to tentatively document some observations – as always, I will remain open to changing my view...