Dominick Cruz interview
As someone that finds themselves sitting in traffic for hours during the week, I don’t listen to podcasts nearly enough. One podcast that I do listen to occasionally – mainly due to the diverse range of guests on the show is the Joe Rogan podcast. In a recent podcast he was interviewing UFC fighter Dominick Cruz.
Dominick Cruz has an incredibly interesting story overcoming 3 career ending injuries that kept him away for the sport for almost 3 years. Most recently he lost a title fight to an up and coming fighter from a rival team. His post fight interview garnered a lot of attention due to his brutal honesty on his own performance and taking complete accountability for the outcome and not looking to make a single excuse or point fingers – a response that is almost always present when a fighter loses a fight. It is almost a self denial / self-defence mechanism to protect the fighters macho image and ego but Cruz stripped this away entirely. As I am studying Sport Psychology at the moment, I found the interview (which you can see below) fascinating and extremely admirable.
In the podcast with Rogan, Cruz delved more into his insights around competing and self-evaluation but he also talked candidly about depression and mental health and how he copes with the former. For a fighter to do this is almost unheard of and has gained Cruz numerous new fans worldwide.
A current topic we are studying at the moment on our course is the instance of depression in injured athletes and Cruz talks about his mindset that helped him overcome numerous serious injuries and how he sought out help to deal with his own mental health. For a successful fighter to do so does a lot to destroy the myth that asking for help is a sign of weakness.
Whether you are a fight fan or not, this is recommended listening!